Monday, September 10, 2007

Website resources for teachers

The AACE, AECT, ISTE and ITEA are great resources for educators. They all have a somewhat common goal of sharing new developments and research about technology that can be used in the classroom. They also offer many publications about these developments and research and give incentive to share new ideas and possibly become published. They offer community involvement in different ways, all four have conferences around the world for presentation and discussion of technology and the ISTE is heavily involved in influencing policy makers and advocating funding and expansion for technology education. It seems to me that these separate organizations should pool their resources and join together, they all share common goals and ideas. They want to educate and advance technology in the classroom and also assist their members in advancing themselves as teachers, writers, researchers etc. through career and job centers, free or discounted journals and books about advancement. Together they could make an even bigger difference and offer their members and the community a monster resource for technology education.

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